WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE SKULL AND BONES HONOR SOCIETY? The active membership of Skull and Bones is comprised of senior and last-semester junior undergraduate students at the Pennsylvania State University.
HOW, WHEN, AND WHY ARE THEY CHOSEN? The current student members of the Society determine who is asked to be a new member. New members are chosen in the fall and spring of each year. The primary criteria for membership is outstanding humble service and leadership to the Pennsylvania State University community.
CAN ANYONE BE A MEMBER? You must be a student at Penn State University to be a member. Associate membership is offered to outstanding Penn State graduate students. Honorary membership is offered to outstanding individuals who demonstrate humble service and leadership to the Pennsylvania State University community.
ARE WE AFFILIATED WITH SKULL AND BONES AT YALE? The Penn State Skull and Bones Honor Society is not affiliated with the Yale Skull and Bones organization.
ARE WE AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER ORGANIZATIONS SUCH AS THE MASONS? The Skull and Bones Honor Society at Penn State is a University-approved organization unaffiliated with any national, regional or local organizations inside or outside of the University.
ARE THERE OTHER HONOR SOCIETIES AT PENN STATE? There are currently three University-approved student honorary societies at Penn State based on leadership in student activities and service to the university. They are: Skull and Bones, Lion's Paw and Parmi Nous. Between the early 1900's and the 1960's there existed up to eight honor societies such as ceased to exist. There are also numerous professional fraternities and societies which are also identified as honoraries, but whose members are selected primarily for academic achievement in specific majors.
HOW AND WHEN WAS SKULL AND BONES AT PENN STATE STARTED? Please click here to read a detailed account of the history of the Society at Penn State.
WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION ON SKULL AND BONES AT PENN STATE? The Historical Digital Collegian Archive in the Penn State University Libraries is an outstanding source of information. It contains a searchable archive of every issue of the student newspaper published between 1887 and the present. Click here to be directed to this resource. In addition, every issue of the student yearbook La Vie has been digitized from 1890 to the present. Click here to be directed to this resource.